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时间:2024-04-22 作者:小麦网






2、You came to the world with your bare hands, desperate to find the sea.



5、Live and work in peace and contentment, and have plenty of food and clothing in xiaokangzhuang.

6、The scenery at home is the scenery.

7、Paradise, blue sky and white clouds, flowers like brocade, accompany you to spend the spring!



10、Summer romantic limit, love at sunset.

11、For the rest of my life, I would like to live in a lotus pond with beautiful scenery and beautiful people. You must be drunk.

12、Long wind thousands of miles to send the autumn geese, this can sound tall buildings.

13、In the moonlight, the river that has been running for a day calms down and flows quietly.



16、Different scenery, have different wonderful.

17、No meat makes you thin, no bamboo makes you vulgar.

18、Waiting for each passing car, let me go further.


20、The beauty of the mountain in the rain is completely in the absence.


22、In summer, the West Lake is not only cool but also cool.



24、The air of the lake is as cold as ice, and the moonlight is lighter than the snow. Hang people don't look at the moon.

25、Half of the interesting life is mountains and rivers.

26、One boy is a boy two boys are half a boythree boys are on boy一个和尚抬水喝两个和尚挑水喝三个和尚没水喝


28、Lotus root deep, willow shore, misty rain tower is still vast sea.

29、The willows beside the bridge are fresh green, and the elm trees beside the pavilion give a faint fragrance.

30、Wandering in the blue sky and white clouds, self landscape, self beautiful.

31、You are the injury of flowing time scenery painting, you are the pain of prosperous years painting.

32、Away from all the hustle and bustle of the city, come to the pleasant seaside, accompanied by blue sky and white clouds.

33、Ask when you will return, if the true feelings of the river, Castle Peak ask jade lake, who is the love.


35、If you can have a yard, plant a bamboo. Since then, the beauty of the four seasons will have sustenance.

36、Life is like a journey, stop and go, should have different encounters, see different scenery.

37、The mountains and rivers are far and wide, and the world is full of fireworks.

38、The big windmill creaks and squeaks. The scenery here is so beautiful!

39、The world that stops is only the scenery, and the scenery that goes forward is called the world.

40、Take a detour and look at the scenery you may never have seen before.

41、Hangzhou is the most beautiful of the 36 West Lakes in the world.

42、The river flows quietly into sleep, and the dark pines lose their noise.


44、Where are the people in the distant night.

45、Jiuzhaigou, more beautiful because of water, because of water and live, because of water and Shenxiu.
