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时间:2024-08-22 作者:小麦网




1、Let's go see the Fruit Gully. I have a little donkey, but I never ride it.(走,看果子沟去。我有一头小毛驴,从来也不骑。)

2、He has always had problems putting into words the grandeur of that moment 40 years ago.(他一直不太接受40年前的那一刻是庄严壮举的说法。)

3、"That is being done under the guise of improvement felling," he said, referring to the cutting down of damaged or old trees.(“这是打着改善环境的幌子砍伐森林,”他说到,当我们提到破坏或者砍伐老树。)

4、Don't say, 'Oh my god, I had gangrene and they almost had to amputate my leg.(不要说,‘天啊,我得了坏疽,我的腿几乎要被截掉了’。)

5、One person bumped into me as a feint while the other stole my wallet.(一个人撞了我一下作掩护,而另一个人偷了我的钱包。)

6、He talks like he is a sissy.(他讲起话来好像是个女生。)

7、Last spring (2007), I found my groove, so to speak.(直至2007年春,可以这样说,我发现了我的一套规律。)

8、We're mortgaged up to the hilt.(我们已经把什么都抵押了。)

9、The worst results cannot faze him.(最坏的结果也不会使他烦恼。)

10、There's more hype to these products than there is reality.(这些产品有更多的超出实际的大肆宣传。)

11、She was only fifteen years old, why would the guillotine before the unyielding, unafraid of death it?(年仅十五岁的她,为什么会在铡刀面前坚贞不屈、视死如归呢?)

12、You can say he is over the top; call it hype if you want.(你可以说他是过头了;如果你想也可称它为宣传。)

13、Grievance of other people. Right?(其他人的不满。对吗?)

14、The glue, the key to identity across time for cars, is being the same hunk of stuff.(粘质,作为贯穿时间的车,其质的关键,就是要保持原来的这一大块。)

15、These graphite blocks are in fact the fuel assemblies.(这些石墨块事实上是燃料组件。)

16、Once your ferret becomes more familiar with this interaction you may begin to rub the teeth and gums.(一旦你的貂儿习惯了这种互动,你可以开始轻揉它的牙齿和牙龈。)

17、But it is back in a new guise.(但是他以一种新的外观回来的。)

18、This enormous hunk of steel will soon be at the centre of a gas turbine big enough to meet the electricity needs of a small city.(这个巨大钢件在不久之后将被置于一个大型燃汽涡轮机的中心,该涡轮机发电量足可以满足一个小城市的需要。)

19、Music rang out, adding to the gaiety and life of the market.(音乐响起,为市场增添了欢乐和活力。)

20、The di is green to ride his Ferrari, take the guide, take a disguise to hurtle to in the battlefield.(狄青骑着他的法拉利,一马当先,带着面具冲到了战场上。)

21、It happened that at the top of a hill a gallows had been set up at a cross-roads long ago.(巧得很,山顶上有个绞架,是很久以前竖在十字路口上的。)

22、From a distinctive Angle, the figurative paintings solidly record this special period in history and are thought-provoking.(众生相系列从独特的角度真实地记录了那段特殊的历史,并启发人们思考。)

23、Only 70% of the electorate voted in the last election.(在上次选举中,只有70%的选民参加了投票。)

24、Gully and slope land in towns are relatively difficult to develop and protect.(城镇内部冲沟坡地是开发和保护难度都较大的区域。)

25、Basically be professional, the service is good. Blame sincere not faze!(主要是专业,服务好。非诚勿扰!)

26、If you God, then save your own, don't mentally enslave your own.(如果你是上帝,那么做自己的救世主,不要在精神上束缚自己。)

27、He went to the beautiful old Shaker dresser that graced this homely room.(他走向那个使这间陋室生辉的漂亮的夏克尔式旧橱柜。)

28、Professor, isn't it possible that animals groom because they've got messed up a little from fighting or mating?(教授,难道动物梳毛不可能是因为它们在争斗或交配中弄得一团糟吗?)

29、Layers of graphene make up the graphite found in pencil lead.(铅笔芯里的石墨就是由多层石墨烯组成的。)

30、The era of good feelings associated with the heyday of globalisation has gone for ever.(那个随着全球化的鼎盛期到来的美好时代一去不返。)

31、For simplicity, the stock information is stored in a hash map.(为了简单起见,该股票信息存储在散列图中。)

32、Her face had turned from gaiety to seriousness.(她的表情早已从欣喜转为严肃的模样。)

33、The bride and groom drink “cross-cupped wine” from one another's glasses.(新郎新娘喝交杯酒。)

34、But prayer is no gripe session with God.(不过,祷告不是向神诉苦;)

35、Is this just a feint to unnerve the neighbours (there was similar activity in April 2005, but no test)?(难道这只是制造周边国家紧张的一个骗局吗(2005年4月也有相似举动,但没有试射)?)

36、Mr. Morris said the victims had suffered from a very grievous mistake.(莫里斯先生说受害者们为一个非常严重的失误而受苦。)

37、All mercenary infantry and escort are to mate clothes but nap, this is the accustomed that develops for long period. Hear interjection, they abrupt took weapon to hurtle out.(所有的佣兵和护卫都是合衣而睡,这是长久以来养成的习惯。听到叫声,他们第一时间拿着武器冲了出来。)

38、It's fun to hear her gabble.(听听她那一套胡说八道也是好玩的。)

39、But the subsidy of pastoral area and herdsman is passive and back-off.(而目前给牧区牧民的补贴是属于被动性补偿性补贴。)

40、Grievance makes us miserable - forgiveness set us free.(抱怨让我们痛苦,原谅使我们自由。)

41、Fig. 9: Searching for a DVD player using the simple search box.(图9普通的搜索:搜索DVD播放器。)

42、This paper analyses the causes for rust and fissure of cranes and puts forward some countermeasures.(分析了一起起重机因锈蚀而产生裂纹的起因,提出了有针对性的解决措施。)

43、So most bacteria go the fermentation route.(绝大多数的细菌一般都是用发酵的方法。)

44、The nippy temperatures didn't faze Zimmer, who said he has been fishing since he was in diapers.(在刺骨的气温并没有及时归队齐默,谁说,他已经捕捞,因为他的尿布了。)

45、If blood vessels are damaged, people can suffer a gangrene infection.(如果血管受损,人可能会得坏疽感染。)

46、You can also sit in a tea cup at the Mad Hatter's tea Party, visit Cinderella in her Castle or Ariel in her Grotto.(你也可以坐在迈德·哈特茶会上的茶杯里,在城堡里参观灰姑娘或在洞室里参观空气般的精灵。)

47、In winter, fairy lights, powered by a generator, give it a festive glow.(在冬季,车站内的装饰彩灯则由一台发电机供电,为车站增添了节日的气氛。)

48、Then I grimace and turn over the box that holds the strap.(我向他做了个鬼脸然后关上放表带的盒子。)

49、He saw Becky and they had an exhausting good time playing hispy and gully-keeper with a crowd of their schoolmates.(他看见了贝基,俩人和一群同学玩起了捉迷藏和“守沟”游戏,玩得痛快极了。)

50、Research on Dynamic Demodulating Technique for Fiber Grating Sensor System.(一种光纤布拉格光栅动态解调系统的研究。)

51、She offers closing advice: "Don't fixate on things you can't do, but on things you can."(她的最后忠告:“不要注视那些你不能做到的;专注于你可以做到的。”)

52、Consumers in a positive mood state evaluate products in more of a favorable manner than they would when not in such a state.(消费者在积极的情绪状态下对产品的评价比不处于这种状态时要更好。)

53、From a cave in southwestern Germany, archaeologists have unearthed the oldest known piece of figurative art.(在德国西南部的一个山洞里,考古学家们发现了一件年代久远的象征艺术作品。)

54、The fermentation conditions of Chaenomeles speciosa S. Nakai wine were optimized by orthogonal experiments.(采用正交实验法对中井木瓜酒的发酵条件进行优化。)

55、XML has always had a lot of hype and confusion surrounding it.(XML周围总有许多夸大之处和混淆之处。)

56、Buy a little hunk of dry ice from a local ice house.(从一个当地冰店买一些大块的干冰。)

57、Michael has influenced so many artists, some of whom are picking up on the grandeur and showmanship of his live performances.(迈克尔影响了众多艺术家,他们中的有些人在演出上的火爆与高超本领上正得自他的绝技。)

58、Euthanasia is a special kind of unpardonable crime in the name of charity, guilty up to the hilt!(安乐死其实是一种特殊的在仁爱名义下从事的彻头彻尾的不能饶恕的罪恶。)

59、The invasion of Iraq, he says, was a grievous self-inflicted wound.(他将入侵伊拉克形容为令人痛心的自戕之举。)

60、Here, the Operator should mark the point on the fleece where its weight is stabilized, which will facilitate timing of the first cut by Guillotine cutter.(这样,操作者就可以标明该匹绒毛织物所需要切割的标准重量点,从而便于用切割刀进行初次切割。)

61、The next generation of astronauts may hurtle through the cosmos for years or decades on a mission to explore distant planets and stars - and never return.(下一代的宇航员可能要在宇宙中执行为期数年或者数十年的任务,以探索遥远的行星和恒星——并且永不归来。)

62、Comparisons should be made when it's favorable.(只有在产生有利结果时才能做比较。)

63、The heyday of the coal market is far from over.(煤炭市场全盛时期的结束还离我们很远。)

64、The nation boasts veins of coal, iron ore, limestone, magnesite, graphite, copper, zinc, lead and precious metals.(这个国家拥有煤炭、铁矿石、石灰石、菱镁矿、石墨、铜、锌、铅和贵金属等矿脉。)

65、Bilige, a herdsman in Erdos city in Inner Mongolia, has to rely on an eight-meter-deep well for irrigating his cornfield.(毕力格,内蒙古鄂尔多斯市牧民,依靠一口8米深的井灌溉玉米地。)
