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时间:2024-07-27 作者:小麦网



do after-class activities。在动态分享的句子通常都是什么类型的呢?现代社会不仅注重沟通的效率还注重沟通的品质,人们经常分享一些句子。短小的句子时时让人收藏不止,栏目小编花费时间和心思为您编辑了这份好词好句七年级上册摘抄,不要投降坚持下去你会逐渐接近目标!


1、Use the pictures to review the names of the clothes.



4、大自然的语言丰富多采:从秋叶的飘零中,我们读出了季节的变换;从归雁的行列中,我读出了集体的力量; , 。

5、T: When’s your birthday?


7、He always gets good marks in tests. ( 在测试中成绩一直名列前茅)


9、a train station 火车站

10、T: What date is it today?

11、Ss’ activities. Say something about the pictures drawn on the Bb.

12、能听懂,会说,会读单词a camera, a CD Walkman, a roll of film, glasses, a mobile phone, a video recorder

13、Millie talked about sports shoes called _____________

14、There are some toys in the shopping mall.


16、make friends with him 和他交朋友 tell jokes 讲笑话

17、meet up with sb.

18、Skill objective.


19、你想要一些光盘吗?是的,我只要一个 ______ you like ______ CDs? Yes, I’d like ______ one.

20、我的孪生兄弟Nick经常吃一顿丰盛的饭吗?______ you twin brother often ________ a big ___



23、Let students use everyday expressions to communicate when meeting

24、most of the time 大部分时间

25、every five minutes 每5分钟

26、Arouse students’ enthusiasm for contacting others by interviewing.

27、do after-class activities

28、Please don’t be late again. 请下次别迟到。

29、We use “there is” before a singular noun.We use “there are” before a plural noun. a man some bread six people lots of bogs Is there ……?Are there ……?2、Show some more pictures. 1、Ss should use this structure to describe other places .e.g. a modern building. a nice bedroom . a school library a big farm2、Answer Questionse.g.a .Are there many sheep in the farm?(Yes, there are./No, there aren’t.)b. Is there a lovely toy in the bedroom?(Yes, there is./No, there isn’t.)

30、Hi, boys and girls. Do you know me?(打扮成肯德基员工)

31、look forward to a great day

32、Ask Ss to draw some pictures about Simon, Daniel, Millie, Amy and I.

33、瓶子里有多少果汁?很多 ______ _______ juice _______ there in the ________? _________

34、I want you to go shopping with me today.

35、It is thoughtful of Andy to play his CDs for us. (Andy为我们播放CD,他考虑得真周到)

36、want to do sth. 想做某事


37、some of the boys 其中一些男孩

38、last Sunday afternoon 上个星期天下午

39、the man in black 穿着黑色衣服的男人

40、现在我们想和你一起去书店 now I ________ ________ go to the bookshop ________ you?

41、Sandy wore a red____________


43、T:(出示日期) What date is it today?

44、花园在学校的中间。 The _________ is _______ _________ __________ ________ the school .

45、turn right/left 向右/左拐

46、你通常得到什么生日礼物?衣服,鞋子,玩具和其它好东西 ________ present _______ you usually ______ your birthday ? ________ , _________, _________ and ________ nice things.

47、Daniel is very clever, but he never shows off.(买弄,炫耀)


49、你爸爸有时在哪儿看报纸? ________ _________ your father ________ newspapers?


51、她经常帮她妈妈打扫房子,但是有时她也写电子邮件给她的朋友们 She often ________ her mother _____ the house, _______ sometimes she _______ emails to her __________, _________

52、It is typical of Simon to make such a mess. (把事情搞得乱七八糟是Simon的典型特征。)(make a mess 把……搞得乱七八糟)

53、a good football player 一位好的足球运动员


55、Welcome to the unit
