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时间:2024-07-22 作者:小麦网



‘I will come here again today,’ she said.~~估计你此时正在整理相类似的句子吧?小麦网编辑推荐你不妨读一下高一好词好句(锦集60句),请阅读,或许对你有所帮助!


1、come about 引起;发生;产生

2、The army organized the rescue workers to dig out those who were trapped and to bury the dead.(定语从句)部队组织救援人员将受困的人们挖出来,将死者掩埋。43)All hope was not lost.= Not all hope was lost.(部分否定)不是所有的希望都破灭了。


4、He rescued the man from drowning.他救了一46)An earthquake left the whole city in ruins处是残垣断壁。

5、不论发生什么事情,我将永远都不会放弃。 (No matter…)

6、强调句 it is + 被强调部分 + that 从句 It is not until + 时间 + that 从句 特殊疑问词 + is it that 从句

7、定语从句: 只用that 的情况 …… 只用who 的情况 ……只用which的情况…… as VS which the same … as / that… such… as as … as 介词+ which/ whom which 引导一个句子的用法…… 非限制性定语从句 which 引导一个句子的用法 非限制性定语从句 插入语 I think I believe I guess I thought 间隔式定语从句

8、“All ________ present and all _________ going on well.” Our monitor said.

9、Listening and complete C1 on P24.

10、it’s no pleasure+ doing sth 没有乐趣做。。。

11、We must have a limit____ the expense of the trip.

12、Please read Act One of the play carefully and fill in the form

13、Does he dare(to)go out at night in such 敢在这样一个暴风雨夜外出吗?

14、The_____ to the house caused by the storm took several days to repair.


16、consist with =agree with 与……协调,与……一致

17、After getting up, he always drinks a glass believes is good for his health.(非限制性定语他都喝一杯水,他认为这对他的身体有好处。

18、We are taught that a business letter should be written in a formal style_______ in a personal style.

19、be second to none不亚于任何人 a second time 又一次再一次

20、----Was his father very strict with him when he was at school?



22、英语晚会将于七点半开始。 9. 我想邀请你参加今天的英语晚会。

23、当午餐的铃声敲响的时候, 学生们一个接一个走出教室。(one after another)

24、Lily wanted to know if /whether her grandma liked the handbag .

25、冒险做某事 risk doing sth=run the risk of doing sth


27、as if , insist suggest request command ,从句用虚拟语气, 用(should) do 。

28、I am sure you will have a wonderful/fabulous time with us tonight.

29、站在塔顶上,我仍能看到远处的山 ( in the distance)

30、crash into 撞上/击



33、walk the dog 遛狗 cheat … of 欺骗。。


35、激烈的讨论 heated discussion

36、This passage is mainly about ________.

37、我的早餐包括巧克力饼干和牛奶。(consist of)

38、I will try my best to sort out the problem.


40、All of the water (is / are) gone.


41、charge sb with sth控告

42、refuse to do sth 拒绝做某事 reject doing sth 正式反对某事

43、I always believe that attitude is everything./ I believe that having the right attitude is the key to success.

44、Some sheep (is/ are) over there.

45、observe a rule 遵守规则

46、The time when I first met him was a very difficult period of my life.第一次见到他的时候是在我一生中非常艰难的时期。(定语从句)

47、提及做某事 mention doing sth


49、The words or speeches in a play are very________, and some of the words in a sentence are______ _____.

50、His family (is/ are)a happy one.

51、get on one’s feet

52、comparable to/with比作/比较

53、帮忙 lend a hand to sb 上交 hand in

54、Before he came to power, he was once put in prison for years.在掌权之前,他曾经坐了几年牢。

55、Prepare for an interview with Wei Hua.

56、be grateful to sb. for sth.对某人因为某事表示感激

57、There (is / are) two oranges, an apple and some bananas on the plate.

58、The matter_______ your fate can’t be taken for granted.

59、it is / was + 序数词 time + that + has done / had done ….某人第几次做。。。事

60、‘I will come here again today,’ she said.
